Showing posts with label chalkboard projects. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chalkboard projects. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Creating Chalkboard Cabinet Doors from Habitat Restore

Our local Habitat Restore has stockpiles of new and used cabinet doors priced at $1 each.  Yep - one buck!  So, now, I have a little stockpile of my own....
Here is an example of new ones.  I started by sanding, then priming, so the paint (Benjamin Moore Paradise Valley) would not chip so easily.  Then, using my Purdy XL cub brush, I painted the center with chalkboard paint.  I adore this brush - I didn't use any painter's tape!  Who doesn't love a good shortcut???
Then, I used one of my new favorite machines I just discovered at our plant to drill holes for the knobs.  A very old but amazing drill press!  You will be seeing more work with this baby.  It has made my life so much easier!  It can hold just about any drill bit I want to use - and drills it straight!  Oh - I think I'm in love :)
Added these knobs I found at half price from Hobby Lobby - they were $1.50 each.  Now, a peek at some of my projects with the cabinet doors I have been accumulating.  (That's a nicer word than hoarding maybe?)
Lots of Works In Progress going on around here.  Hope to share more soon!
As always, I am so thankful you stopped by!  

Friday, July 15, 2011

Girling up My Toolbox!

A few weeks ago I received a quart of paint from Glidden.  I chose a color I haven't ever used before - Luscious Mango!  It's such a fun happy color for me.  Thank you Glidden!  And thanks for giving me the opportunity to try something NEW!
Well, as soon as it came in the mail I started looking at my thrift store purchases that were waiting for some action!  This drab old tool box  (that I think was last used as a planter) wanted some attention!  So, I started out  with some Kilz spray primer.  Then, I painted 2 coats of the Luscious Mango. 
I decided I wanted to do more.  You know how projects often evolve or take a big detour sometimes?   Originally, I was going to stencil some letters in a watermelon or berry color.  I had a hard time deciding what I wanted to use so BAM  I decided to paint an area with chalkboard paint. That way I could change it up whenever my little heart desired!   Oh yea!  Getting a little charged here

Saturday, March 26, 2011


Late last night I was thinking of chalkboard paint again. :)  For a long time I’ve been really thinking about  brown chalkboard paint.  So it hit me – why not chocolate colored chalkboard?  Then I thought about Easter and Chocolate Bunnies!  But I don’t have access to a jigsaw {got to get one soon!} so I’m not able to cut out a wooden one for now.    Bummer!   Just as I was getting ready to call it a night I thought about my chalkboard tags!  They were made from cereal boxes and turned out really well.  I wrote myself a reminder {because sometimes I forget things} went to bed and finished off the box of cereal this morning for breakfast!   
You can see more chalkboard projects where I got my inspiration – Martha Stewart!  I had to adjust the recipe since I was not using a full cup {like I did for my Turquoise potion! That went on and on and on}

Here is what I used:
Cereal box
Colored Chalk
Burnt Umber Acrylic paint  {2 oz.}
Non-sanded Grout  {2-1/2 teaspoons}

Mixed  my potion: the non sanded grout with the burnt umber acrylic paint. Mix it well!
I cut the box down one side of one corner and opened it up.  Then I sketched a bunny out with chalk.  Cut my bunny out!

Since I tend to like to do more than one piece when I am using the paint, I decided this chocolate bunny needed something to nibble.   So I sketched a Hershey kiss shape and cut it out!

   So here they are with one coat of chocolate chalkboard paint!
And don't freak out if they buckle.  Because they will.  They will flatten out once these puppies are dry!  Trust me here.  
I usually paint 3 coats.  Once dry you need to cure it.  Take a piece of chalk and rub it sideways all over your creation!  Take a very slightly damp cloth {or paper towel like me!} and wipe it off.  I like to do this twice.   

Okay - my Chocolate Chalkboard Bunny is finished!  My bunny and the Hershey kiss are chilling on my daughter's wall.  {I would show more of her room but  - she needs to tidy up a bit!}  And I am having so much fun with the chalk. Thinking here I need some more colorful chalk!  Working on that next!  :)

Next up - One Ugly Brass Thingy. My Goodwill find for the day - $1.99.  It is going to be ORBed big time!  Meantime I am heading to the kitchen for some serious chocolate smack down!  Chocolate and milk !  {Life is Good}   Sweet dreams to all   :)   

I'm Loving These Parties! 

At the Picket Fence - Inspiration Friday
I Heart Naptime - Sundae Scoop
Tatertots & Jello- Weekend Wrap Up
French Country Cottage - Feathered Nest Fridays
Elements Interiors -  Whassup Wednesday
Fireflies and Jellybeans - Show Your Stuff
My Romantic Home- Show and Tell Friday  
DebbieDoos - DebbieDoos Newbie Party
Local fun for Kids and Smile Monsters - Fun for Kids Friday
Just a Girl - SAS Day
Tip Junkie at  Tip Me Tuesday
Super Stinky Boys at  Mad Skills Monday 
The Shabby Nest - Frugal Friday 
DIY Home Sweet Home Project -  More the Merrier Monday
Keeping it Simple - Motivate Me Monda
Under the Table and Dreaming - Sunday Showcase
Embellishing Life - Craft Catwalk
Skip to my Lou-Made by You Mondays
Paisley Passions - Thrilling Thursdays
Coastal Charm - Nifty Thrifty Tuesdays
Mommaskindacrafty   - Fantabulous Friday 

Monday, March 14, 2011

Chalkboard Paint on Glass

So, I am amazed that the one cup of Turquoise Chalkboard paint I used for previous projects is still happening!  It all started with my post earlier this month.  All in all, I have made six projects with this 8 oz. bottle of paint and a bit of unsanded tile grout.   I made two more things and still have more left.  Ha! Here’s hoping you aren’t tired of this yet because here it comes!   Once again, here is the link to Martha Stewart where I found the magic Chalkboard potion!

I used a wine glass and a recycled jar here.  Painted the top of the jar with my favorite Krylon Bright Idea yellow gloss.  Using masking tape {I will use painter’s tape next time because when you let a wine glass sit around for several months with masking tape it gets a little gummy.  Duh.}  I  framed a square place to paint . And whoa!  big faux pas here - real big mistake.  I know there is a picture of these taped but in my frenzy to free up memory space on my camera they must have been deleted :(    Wish I had a picture but I know you know what I am talking about.   You are some of the smartest and talented people I know!   Please accept my apologies!  I'm learning every day.

Okay - back to the post.  It took several layers of paint and next time I will prepare the glass with  a surface conditioner to make it easier. {But it’s not necessary.  I just had to paint extra coats and be patient.  :( }   Rubbed a piece of chalk on its side all over the painted area and wiped it off to cure it.    

They are ready to go!  I filled the jar with my daughter’s favorite Easter candy, Robin’s Eggs.  {Well one of her many favorites and that is another story for another day!}

I also redid {yea I did} my 1 x 2 foot Chalkboard.  Added a starfish for a little more “beachy”  look.   Always changing always dreaming!  And join me for a walk on the beach  

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Leftover Chalkboard Paint - what to do?


I still have some of the Turquoise chalkboard paint and have two more posts!  {Are you tired of me yet?}  That one cup of chalkboard paint is really making the rounds.  I love the color - it reminds me of spring, summer, and the beach!  Oh soooo ready here!

Okay - back to business. In this project I used one of the wooden plaques I found on sale at Hobby Lobby for 69 cents each.  Didn't know what I would do with them but  I  had $3   knew they deserved a better life than being buried in the bargain bin!  

As usual,  I work in the moment.  That's what I love about creating - the process!  So, as I get caught up in the process sometimes I forget to take pictures and sometimes I remember.  I challenged myself in my next post to be totally uncontrollably and laboriously taking photos of every step!  Talk about that later but warning!  It could will most likely be painful........

As you remember this is what I started with for the paint for my many projects.  I used the formula  from Martha Stewart

Used one cup acrylic paint {the 8 oz botttle} with 2 Tablespoons of the non sanded grout   I painted 3 coats {sanding with fine paper after each coat  Yea - supposed to do that but I love shortcuts and didn't find the need to sand after each coat.  Once is just fine!  

Here is a real blurry pic of how to rub the side of chalk all over the painted board - to "cure" it.  Like you needed me to show you how!  But just in case - after you rub the chalk all over your new chalkboard you can use a damp cloth, clean it off and you are ready to go!  I like to do this at least 2 times.  

I chalked this board {with my Grandmother's name} and used some of the stash of sisal rope I bought for the last project.  Put it beside the wooden angel that looks like my sweet 92 year old Mom.  {My kids call her Moop}  My oldest son loved it so much  {cause he loves her so much!} so she gave it to him.  I am extremely thankful I took the picture with the doll because............ somehow it fell on the floor and my precious sweet but  Oh Yea WHAT A MONSTER puppy with JAWS snagged it.  

Lots of tears that night - but one thing this dog that somehow - tell me WHY - I still love? - has taught me:

Life is fleeting - you could lose anything anywhere in the blink of an eye {like my wooden angel} 

So enjoy!  Enjoy anything and everything you can.   Until next post........

Linking to these lovely Parties.  Please check them out - you will be so happy you did!  They are wonderful!

Be sure to check out this great party going on now through April 30th!

The DIY Show Off

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

More Chalkboard Paint Projects

Thanks for visiting today!  I have been working with some chalkboard paint again and have a few projects {some finished, some not quite yet}.  Back in January I posted a project making my own chalkboard paint picture frames using this recipe from Martha Stewart.  {View the recipe here}  
I love making chalkboard paint in colors!  This time I wanted to use a more ‘spring like” color so I bought an 8 oz. Bottle of Turquoise acrylic paint.  Poured all the paint into a plastic container and added the 2 tablespoons of unsanded grout.

I wanted to make a chalkboard to help keep up with the week’s activities.  Really, you could use it anyway you like.  Bought a 2 x 2  foot Masonite board at Home Depot and let the kind gentleman there cut it in half ending up with 2 boards 1 x 2 feet each.  I decided to hang the board vertically so on one of the one foot sides I drilled a hole in each corner of the board. 

Then, I painted about 3 or 4 coats with the chalkboard paint.  {I’m not sure because I had to paint in between other projects, family, dogs, and laundry – like most of us – and I forgot to keep count!}  After drying, I sanded it with fine sandpaper.  I finished it by rubbing the side of a piece of chalk all over it and wiping with a slightly damp paper towel.  I did this twice.  Shown here is rubbing chalk over another project coming soon!

I used a ¼” sisal rope to hang it.  Just threaded it through the holes and tied a knot.  Then it’s ready to go!  Write whatever suits your fancy and enjoy!  This is what I thought was a finished board - you know how projects sometimes "evolve"  
Can you tell how impatient  artistic I was?  Well, when I ran into this little Starfish in one of the craft stores  {I get dizzy trying to remember which one where I saw what cute thing when I was where?}  I decided it was going on my beachy chalkboard!}   I added my Starfish but , as you well know, you can add anything you want - no rules here!  As long as it makes your heart SING and puts a BIG smile on your face.  :)
FYI, I stored the paint in a recycled large yogurt container for more projects like this one-a
small wooden container I bought for $1.00 at one of the craft stores.
and this one that I used some more of my sisal rope 

and then I had enough left to work on glass!

then one last fling - still a  little paint leftover but sooooo ready to move on to new stuff!!!

But not until one last whoop whoop hurrah! for my favorite color chalkboard paint!  {More colors to come -promise!}

Here's the next board!  Purple!

Linking to these wonderful parties!  Show them some love because they are extra special!  Doesn't get any better than these guys!

Domestically Speaking- The Best
At the Picket Fence - Inspiration Friday 
Skip to my Lou -Made by You Mondays
Tatertots & Jello - Weekend Wrap Up
Blue Cricket Design Show and Tell Wednesday
French Country Cottage - Feathered Nest Fridays
The Shabby Chic Cottage - Transformation Thursday
Elements Interiors -  Whassup Wednesday
delicate CONSTRUCTION - Delicately Constructed Fridays
Fireflies and Jellybeans  Show Your Stuff 
Debbie Doos - Debbie Doos Newbie Party
I heart Naptime - Sundae ScoopTip Junkie at  Tip Me Tuesday
Centsational Girl - All Things Paint
Be Different Act Normal - Show and Tell Saturday
Paisley Passions  - Thrilling Thursdays
Ladybug Blessings - Handmade Tuesdays 
Super Stinky Boys at  Mad Skills Monday  
Domestically Speaking - Power of Paint Party
Sew Chatty - Made With Love
DIY Home Sweet Home Project   -  More the Merrier Monday
Keeping it Simple - Motivate Me Monday
Embellishing Life   - Craft Catwalk
Today's Creative Blog - Get your Craft on
The Thrifty Home - Penny Pinching Party
whipperberry - Friday Flair

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Chalkboard Tags made from Cereal Boxes

I love creating things with Chalkboard paint!  Like I told you all before, I really prefer to pick out good satin latex colors and mix it with unsanded tile grout.  I just think it gives you choices  for prettier colors. The proportions I use are 1/ 2 cup paint to 1 Tablespoon grout.   However, I had some premade purple chalkboard paint leftover   {Not my favorite but I didn’t want to toss it!  Not a good thing to do. }  I just used it.  Not bad.   And since we all love to repurpose stuff, I used cereal boxes for these tags.   Cut out hearts, painted about 3 coats on them.  {They will buckle up and try a yoga pose as you can see in this picture, but not to worry!  Once they dry they flatten back out.  Sweet! }
When dry, rub a piece of chalk – on its side – all over your cute heart tag and rub it off.  I did this twice.  Then write on it, punch a hole in it, slap some twine or ribbon on it and you are done!  And as for anything - the sky
and your imagination are your only limits!  Reach for the stars   Always!
Linking with: 

Check out this great party going on now through April 30th!


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